best monthly subscription boxes, kids craft subscription

Kids Craft Subscription Boxes To boost your child’s Intelligence

According to some recent studies, it has been proven that many factors contribute to the intellectual development of your child from an early age. Reading stories, going to daycare but also doing manual and creative activities frequently.

best monthly subscription boxes

For a long time, television has been the main activity we think about to pass the time and to interest children, especially between 3 and 7 years old. Until recently, fears about the excessive television time were considered unfounded because the studies conducted and the experts could not diagnose 100% the harmful effects of this activity: hypnosis, deafness but also underdevelopment of imagination and concentration. Today, many studies have proved it, and it is necessary to find activities that go beyond the screens (tv, iPad, computer …).

Opposite, here is a concrete example of the misdeeds of too many hours in front of the television for the children: one observes very clearly a difference in the drawings: precision, details, imagination. All this is negatively impacted in children exposed to more than three hours a day and it is therefore crucial to occupy them differently.

The idea is simple: a box consists of games, toys, accessories or clothes and allows the child to perform a creative activity and playful or the mother to make him wear pretty things. You have the choice between buying a single box and offer it by sending it to the address of your choice or kids craft subscription / 3 months / 6 months or 1 year so that the child receives a monthly then a superb surprise and make the party last.

So how can you stimulate and develop your child’s intelligence in an effective and above all fun way?

It is to meet this need that the concept of Kit Workshop is developing more and more in the USA to offer parents the opportunity to let their child create and learn while having fun. Kids craft subscription boxes are also clearly an alternative to the hours spent watching television or other screens that are developing greatly today and may be an easy option for parents who want to take care of their children.

This is the challenge we make of small businesses that have created Kits Workshops for children from 2 to 8 years, key age in the development of the child. Green kid craft is a pioneer in this field with Workshop Kits designed by children’s professionals and offering different themes on a monthly basis best monthly subscription boxes. They offer reading, creative activity, and even an educational application.

These kits and organic subscription boxes allow:

  • A stimulation of the imagination
  • Develop their manual activity
  • The development of their reflection

Beyond these assets, they allow above all to create a parent-child experience and this monthly frequency with activities that vary will be able to develop various intellectual aspects in the child. Thanks to this new type of activity, children can learn while having fun. In order to make these kits available to as many people as possible, Green Kid Crafts even offers science kits for kids at this time and for a limited time. If you would like to try these workshops with your child, you can request your Kit now here . Enjoy it fast!

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Making Arts and Craft Subscription Boxes & Project Ideas

Are you a school teacher or a parent looking for kid enrichment? You may think that you are not a creative type of person, and you struggle with creating new craft projects. But don’t worry, you can improve your creativity, although there are plenty of arts and craft subscription boxes that you can buy online. There are many ways to make it easier for you to find a creative craft idea for kids. You need to follow the given steps:

  • Firstly, don’t think about whether it will be a perfect idea or not.
  • If you lock yourself into thinking that there’s only one right way, then it will make the decision even harder. There are always more than one craft ideas that can help you build fantastic art programs for the children. You don’t have to worry about picking up the wrong one.
  • Make sure you consider the age and skill levels of the kids involved. It will make a choice more adequate.


  • Next step is to plan your budget. Your craft project must not go out of your budget. When planning a craft project for children, you need to be careful about some of the expenses. Whether you are buying it online or making it by yourself, make sure it falls under your planned budget.
  • Boys and girls like different types of crafts. If your idea seems a little bit girly, then don’t consider it for boy’s camp. You can use rocket-science, dinosaur art, robotics, volcano art projects for boys. Girls like to do beads art, drawing, kitchen management, and other similar projects.
  • One thing that you probably don’t know it that ideas spring from other approaches. If you look over other websites of craft ideas, there will be plenty of designs available for you. Maybe none of them meet your standards, but they will spark an idea for a similar project in your brain.

In case if you like any project, then you can probably buy it, and you don’t have to waste your time making one by yourself. If you want to look into or purchase art and craft subscription boxes for kids, then Green Kid Crafts is a perfect place to visit. From science craft boxes to garden kit, you will get everything.

kids craft subscription

Best Kid Craft Subscription Boxes Availabe Online

Would you to have some fun and learn new things with your child every month without spending hours browsing on websites for ideas, then buying monthly subscription boxes is an excellent way to go. The moto is simple: Learn While You Play. Everything that a child needs for a multitude of learning activities is placed in kids craft subscription boxes and delivered to your every month.


But remember, not every subscription boxes are made equal. Whether its a content, price, or the quality, every craft box vary according to the age group and interest of a child. Here are few science and craft boxes that hit the mark when it’s about providing a good learning experience for kids:

Green Kid Crafts

The science and craft subscription boxes of Green Kid Crafts are not just great because of what it contains, but also for the experience it provides. Every box is theme based with its various crafts, teaching children the benefits of playing with nature, or eco-friendly play. The materials of the craft boxes are made of sustainable and eco-friendly materials. Also, the boxes have open-ended direction and pictures of finished projects, which gives a hint to the children that how they can achieve their goal.

Parents will love the “Discover More” guide. It is a booklet that let the parents know about the month’s theme, which you can read with your kids, and ideas to implement for doing more projects by using the waste items in your house.

Little Passports

The exploration kit of Little Passports is made for children of age group of three to nine years. The exploration kit itself is also unique. It comes with a miniature suitcase in which you kid can store all the items he/she discovers during his/her virtual trips around the world. It teaches children about different cultures and geography. The monthly exploration kit will let your child excitingly see the social studies.

Kiwi Crate

With Kiwi Crate, your little ones can discover their passion for creativity and can develop his/her excellent motor skills, also. Not just that, Kiwi Crate thematic activity boxes will also help them to improve their communication skills and gain confidence in their social abilities also.

Having a subscription of kids craft boxes is a great way to keep your child busy in mental and physical activities, rather than to make them habitual to electronics. It will also help them to understand science and other learning concepts in a much better way.

Craft Box for Kids, Craft Boxes, Gifts, Gifts for Kids, Green Kid Crafts, Science Experiment Kits, Science Kits, Stem Gifts

Gift Subscription Boxes For Kids – Keeping Them Interested In Science

Kids who are interested and love science always can perform much better in life and school. You as a parent can help them to learn science with simple everyday activities. There are plenty of activities that can be performed at home for keeping a child interested in science and letting them understand the concepts of the world around them. For this, you can buy the monthly craft box for kids from the online craft stores.

Experts say that science toys are an excellent way to spark the kid’s interest in science subjects. For such purpose, a STEM education system was introduced. It Stands for:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Maths

Best Subscription Boxes

Creativity is about learning the concepts of life, and mixing it with science concepts makes the education more interesting. Science craft projects give a child the opportunity to practice their skills. Science subscription boxes comprise of various activities like:

  • Volcano Eruption project
  • Robotics
  • Electricity Conduction, etc.

The projects also vary according to the age. If you think about it, then you will notice that science is everywhere, inside your home, your backyard, everywhere. You only have to point out the things that explain the role of laws of science for keeping kids interested. This subject is about testing, observing, and exploring, and by purchasing science gifts for children, you can involve them in these tasks.

Science Kits for Kids

“Learn while you play” is a crucial phase in the childhood development. With the help of theme-based science subscription boxes, your child will get the hands-on experience that they can use for the rest of their life. Following are the factors considered before making a science box for children:

  • Creative and Critical Thinking Skills
  • Research
  • Organising

Not only cognitive skills but your kid will also understand better the curriculum concepts and will develop social skills. With little guidance, you can shape up their general knowledge towards engineering and science concepts. Well, it’s time that you and your kids can also start such fun craft activities at home, and indulge children in mental and physical activities.

Green Kid Crafts is one of the best places to buy gift subscription boxes. Here, you can even subscribe to monthly subscription boxes in which, you will get different sorts of science and craft projects.

Also Read: Making Studying Interesting for Kids with Children’s Science Kits